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#Simple #Veggie #Lover #SAMOSA #PIE

Delicious and healthy family choice special food and drink
Simple Veggie lover SAMOSA PIE 

A simple, flavourful supper that can be made ahead of time. Ideal for weeknights! 

2 medium potatoes stripped and diced 

150 g solidified green peas 

1 tbsp vegetable oil 

1 extensive onion diced 

3 cloves garlic minced 

400 g solidified soy mince or 2 x tins lentils, depleted and washed 

2 tbsp curry powder 

1 tbsp dried coriander 

1 tsp stew powder 

Salt and pepper to taste 

1 pack of filo cake defrosted (whenever solidified) 

2 tbsp vegetable oil 

Preheat the stove to 180C/350F. Let your filo baked good sit at room temperature so it's less demanding to work with later on. 

Heat an expansive pot of water to the point of boiling and cook the potatoes until delicate. Add the peas in to cook amid the latest possible time. When cooked, channel and crush. 

In the interim, in a substantial griddle, heat the oil and saute the onions and garlic until mellowed. Include the curry powder, coriander and stew powder and cook for a further moment before including the soy mince. Include a drop of water and cook for 10 minutes on a medium warmth. 

Join the pound blend with the mince and season with salt and pepper. Include some more water if it's somewhat dry. 

Exchange to a broiler dish and smooth into an even layer. 

Unfurl your filo baked good and begin layering it over the mince blend, sheet by sheet, giving it a brush with oil between each layer. I utilized ten layers (five sheets collapsed down the middle.) Give a last brushing with oil and cut 4 cuts into the best, to enable some air to get away. 

Cook for 20 minutes until brilliant and fresh to finish everything. On the other hand, you can chill or stop this dish before cooking in the stove.

Thank you for visiting, good luck, hopefully it will be beneficial